Coloring Book Royalties!

In early 2024 I ran 10 live sessions on the coloring book market.
These recordings are now available for all.

(over 12 hours of recorded sessions!)

Coloring Book Market Intro

Pattern Coloring Books

Stress Relief / Mindfulness

Quote Coloring Books

Minimalist Coloring Books

Market Overview

Simple Large Print Coloring Books

Fairy Homes Coloring Books

Farms / Farm Hourse Coloring Books

Flower Coloring Books

The Coloring Book Market Is As Profitable As Ever!

I see best seller after best seller coloring books every time I look on Amazon.
I've been studying these books to see what they are and why they are successful.

What determines a winning coloring book? The cover, the pricing, the best seller rank, the number of pages, the A+ content - all of these are in play to make these books best sellers and profitable.

What's The Secret To These Successful Books?
It's not completely about the coloring pages themselves. Yes, the images have to be good. But after a while they can look the same or similar among different coloring books.

Some of the books I've researched have interiors that can be made in minutes in Canva.

The key to these book sales are the cover, description, A+ content, page count, pricing, and running ads.

Creating the interiors of the books has never been easier. There is much you can do using MidJourney. You can make coloring books with little effort that used to take days of work, or hiring expensive designers. That's all over now. What a relief!

If MidJourney is not an option you can purchase coloring pages online or use the coloring pages provided with the bonus. However I do strongly suggest getting MidJourney.

A+ Content
This is a prime area on a product page on Amazon. It is really important to take advantage of this. Once a book is published you can add additional info about your book and show more pictures. This is a big help in making sales.

Inside Coloring Book Royalties there is training on A+ content - how it works, and how to create it.

Ads are vital for speeding up sales.

Ads are easy to setup, and takes analysis and tweaking to make them profitable. Even when an ad seems to be losing money, it may be bringing awareness to your book(s) and brand. Consider ads an essential part of overall book marketing.

The best way to succeed in a coloring book niche is to release a few books in it, and have consistency in look and content.

One piece of this is taking advantage of Author Central - a feature provided for you from Amazon.

We will be looking at successful brands and seeing how and why their approaches work.

Besides the recorded sessions, Coloring Book Royalties is a full program with over 30 additional videos all about the coloring book royalties, including: creating and publishing books, A+ content, creating patterns, MidJourney and Dall-E, having a website, and building a brand.
Bonus Included:
I have hundreds of ready to use coloring pages. I purchased a PLR pack which means I can give them to you, and you can use them commercially.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of computer do I need?
Doesn't matter. The only thing required is a connection to the internet. This is a cloud based membership website.span>

I don't know anything about coloring books. Will this work for me?
Of course! You don't have to be an artist to make these coloring pages. I show how to make them in the training.

Do I need MidJourney? Do I need ChatGPT
MidJourney is a wonderful tool for generating coloring pages. It is strongly suggested that you have a subscription to it. Midjourney currently costs $10 per month for the basic plan - which is all you need. However it is not required. If not using MidJourney you can find already designed coloring pages online and also there are hundreds or ready to use coloring pages in the bonus area.

ChatGPT is helpful to create descriptions for your books. You can get a free account with ChatGPT

Are there any upsells?
No, this is the entire product.

Is there coverage of A+ content? Is there coverage of running ads?
Yes to both.

Does this include kids coloring books?
No, adult market only.

Where do I sell coloring books?
The primary market is Amazon Kindle books (KDP). However you can sell coloring pages on Etsy.

What is the refund policy?
30 days from date of purchase.

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Make your purchase decision wisely!

There is no promise, guarantee, or representation that you will make any money, or not lose money, as a result of using Coloring Book Royalties.

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Ken Bluttman

